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Digital printing into anodised aluminium.
DataPrintTM allows for high precision 4 colour flatbed inkjet printing and offers almost unlimited design options.
Produces up to 6000 objects per hour
UJF-3042MKII is advanced flatbed UV-curable inkjet printer that create high-value-added product hautes performances pour des imprimantes LED UV petit format à la pointe de la technologie. Supports A3 size & 153 height.
UJF-6042MkII is advanced flatbed UV-curable inkjet printer that create high-value-added product hautes performances pour des imprimantes LED UV petit format à la pointe de la technologie. Supports A2 size & 153 height.
The new industrial small format UV Inkjet flatbed printer is able to deliver high cost-effective quality print direct to shape.
A hughe variety and a high quality for on-demand print – as well for small runs. It fits perfect for promotional gifts, signs and name tags.
Brother GTX600 Garment Printer