Service and Maintenence

We recommend annual maintenance of your printing systems to keep your print processes running smoothly

Personal service – always here for you

Our Service team will commission and provide training on your new systems. With regular maintenance and rapid repair response times, our trained specialists will ensure that everything runs smoothly for you at all times.

Customer Services

 Mantel Digital AG provides customers with a comprehensive on-site and remote service. Remote maintenance tools are utilized to offer support from a distance. These tools can be easily downloaded onto the respective computer and executed without the need for installation. Instructions for initiating a remote maintenance connection are outlined below.

Mantel Digital AG staff will never request passwords or login information. If an unfamiliar service employee requests sensitive data, please reach out to the headquarters in Wädenswil.


Mantel Digital AG presently utilizes the open-source tool “Rustdesk” for remote maintenance.

Customer service requests the initiation of a remote session.

1. Please visit the website: (opens in a new window).

2. Choose the blue icon to navigate to the download page.


Download client for Windows 10/11.

Click the link indicated in the image to download the Windows 10/11 client.

The rustdesk-1.2.6-x86_64.exe file should be located in the download folder on your computer.

  • Execute this file.

The client has initiated.

If successful, the displayed window should appear, revealing a multi-digit ID. Inform the service representative of this ID to establish the connection.

  • Identification Code

If the connection is successful, a window will display to enable remote control.

By clicking the designated button, remote control by the service representative is authorized.

  • Enable remote control

Servicing – so your printer runs and runs

Like other electro-mechanical devices, as they’re in constant use inkjet systems have to cope with changes to their mechanisms as well as their electronic components. The creeping process of ageing can lead to a deterioration in the quality of print output or to a complete stop, and therefore to a production outage. This process can be halted through regular servicing, which ensures production remains stable and consistent.

Besides individual services, we also offer maintenance packages with extended warranties for your Mimaki printing systems. With these packages, extensive on-site maintenance and inspection is performed on your printing systems annually for the 3-year term of the package. Get in touch with us at any time if you need further information – we’ll be delighted to help.